
David and Orpha would like to thank all members of the lab, past and present, for bringing so much joy to their lives. Teaching and supervising have been their greatest pleasure during their ‘Golden Years’ at JCU.

We sincerely thank the admin and tech staff, and our academic colleagues for their support and friendship over the last 43 years. However, it is the 10,000+ undergrads and 70+ graduate students that brought the magic to our lives. To all our undergrads – thank you – we enjoyed every lecture we gave, and every practical was a delight. And yes, Orpha still remembers all your names.

And as to the grad students – David was recently identified by ScholarGPS as the world’s #1 Coral Reef Researcher – a position that he attributes entirely to the collective efforts of the lab and the outstanding people we have been able to work with over the years.

To our colleagues, students and friends - thank you for making our time at JCU such a wonderful experience!

Cheers, D n O